Ever since I've been inactive in my library book club, I've gotten more of a chance to read many of the books on my "list." I just finished reading "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein. I've previously taken this book out of the library a couple of times, only to return it without reading it. But this time around, I finally got a chance to complete it.
Ever since I read "The Book Thief," I've started to enjoy stories told from the perspective of an unlikely and unconventional narrator. The protagonist in this novel is a young race car driver named Denny. We journey through his trials and tribulations from the point of view of his pet dog Enzo.
Though the story is told the way Enzo sees it, this is not a story about Enzo. It's a story about family, lost love, and betrayal.
Without giving away too much of the plot, I will say The Art of Racing in the Rain is a "fluffy read" which will leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling after you put it down (no pun intended.)
I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone looking for a light and easy read.
"There is no dishonor in losing the race," Don said. "There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose." - The Art of Racing in the Rain